How would you react if God told you that you were going to have a child - and you were a 90-year-old woman? Sarah laughed. I suspect that God smiled at Sarah's reaction. Then he asked, "Is anything too hard for God?" Is there anything God cannot do? Actually, there is something God can't do. Find out what it is in Chapter 6.
There is one thing that ruins the Thanksgiving spirit for us in November. I call it the Thanksgiving Killer. And, no, it's not watching the lowly Detroit Lions play football that day. You'll see what the Thanksgiving Killer is in Chapter 1.
Occasionally a church member will approach me and say, "I want to go deeper in my faith." What does that mean? Does it mean they want to get in over their heads? Does it mean they want to learn Greek? Does it mean they want to do a word-for-word study on the Book of Revelation? What does it take to deepen your relationship with God? The answer is in Chapter 10.
What happens when God shows up unannounced in a church, city, or even an entire country? History tells us. What would it take for God to bring another spiritual awakening in our culture? Chapter 11 reveals how it happened in the past and how it can happen again.
Laughing with Sarah is about the journey with God. It's about being all God wants you to be. It's about laughing like Sarah when you face the impossible. It's about being grateful to God and enthusiastic for God. It's about putting things off and starting things over. It's about being obedient and deepening your walk with Christ. It's about living life between the mountaintops and the valleys – where we spend most our time.
From Back Cover:
Table of Contents
1. The Thanksgiving Killer
2. Another Night with the Frogs
3. The Joy of Do-Overs
4. God Chooses You
5. Buried Treasure
6. Laughing with Sarah
7. His Hands
8. The Dynamite Box
9. Is It in You?
10. Getting Deep
11. When God Comes Quickly
12. The Main Business of Your Life
13. What the World Needs to Know